Wednesday, June 20, 2018

CN ~ KCIS ~ Work (& Work Out) at the School

Work (& Work Out) at the School
* 3rd Floor Snacks – Head to Echo’s office to pick up a snack or drink to get you through the afternoon. Snickers, M&Ms, Coke and coffee are some of what’s on offer! For a superior selection, try the elementary office. Prices range from 2 – 10 RMB. Pay cash into the honesty box. CHINESE CURRENCY ONLY!

6th Floor Gym:
The gym/weight room is available for staff to use before and after school, or during your lunch hour. However, it is always locked so you need to collect the key from behind the door in the PE office (by the golf range), unlick the door, then return the key BEFORE you workout. Pop the lock when you leave if no one else is in there.
There are a few treadmills, rowers, a variety of other weight based machines, yoga mats and dumbbells. Enjoy!

Friday Football:
Football, Futbol, Soccer, Le Footy, El kicky the belle’… whatever you want to call it, we do it here at KCIS! Every Friday we host a footy staff game at 5pm, or if you’re Dahl: whenever you roll out of the office. All people, shapes and talents wanted!! Turn that flab to fab with a good old fashioned kick around Ladies and gents of all skill are welcome! During the warm majestic Huaqiao winter months we even play inside!
If you want any more information feel free to contact: Mike McKevett on WeChat.

The Pool:
Staff swim times: 10:50 – 11:50 AM and 5 – 6 PM, weekdays. On Friday’s you can head in from about 4 PM. The pool has strict, non-negotiable policies regarding swimwear – one pieces for women and speedos for men (knee length is okay). Swim caps are a must!! Goggles are highly recommended. Peeing in the pool is definitely unacceptable, but the first graders do use that pool, too…

If running is your jam…
The school track is another great workout option when the air is fresh and the sun’s out! It’s a standard 400m so for 1km that’s 2.5 laps, for 1 mile that’s 4 laps. Try springing the straight and jogging the curves!

What can you offer us?

Throughout 2015 – 2016, we were lucky to have Chris and Kelly offer regular, free fitness classes. (Sumba and Krav Maga). Unfortunately, they have headed home to new jobs! We also had a knitting club form, a regular poker group, a Mojito club and weekly social soccer games (Friday @5). If you think you could offer something more to the staff at KCIS, don’t be afraid to step forward and throw out a line! You never how many bites you might get.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

CN ~ KCIS ~ Address

500 W Ring Rd, Kunshan Shi, Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, China

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

7 Commonly Prescribed Medications In Singapore You Shouldn't Be Giving Your Kids